At Agora Lledó International School we know how important technology is for a successful career in the future and that's why it is part of our students' daily life to the same extent that it is of ours. In addition, technology is an educational tool with many advantages and resources: coding, for example, has a wide scope of possibilities for resolving problems which help the students to develop their capacity to «learn how to learn». This provides them with intellectual and learning resources as well as a sound base for their future careers. It is why, from 5th year of primary onwards, our students use iPads in 5 of their subjects.
As part of our bid in favour of technology, we have an IT classroom with 25 PC's and two mobile classrooms for Primary and Secondary that each have 25 laptops. Baccalaureate students can also bring their own devices to school. The teachers also have a further 35 laptops for their own use and a further 45 for each tutorial. In addition to this, there are 50 fixed projectors in the classrooms, 3 digital classrooms with Tablet PC's, projectors and Wacom tablets, 9 smartboards, 8 robots for Robotics and another 4 for Computer Science, 35 tablets for the teachers on the Gavea Project, plus 360 tablets for pupils and a further 12 for Preschool pupils, 5 drones, video cameras, digital cameras, servers and control units plus a 3D printer.
The Gavea Project
Agora Lledó, as part of a Globeducate group wide initiative, is developing the GAVEA project (GAVEA is a Spanish acronym for the Virtual Classroom Management for Academic Excellence) where tablets, smartboards and interactive material are used to motivate the pupils when carrying out their school tasks, always under their teachers' supervision and during a limited amount of time each day. Therefore, new technological tools improve learning, nurture the development of cognitive skills and favour cooperative activities, as well as provide the pupils with basic digital skills.
Computer Science
Agora Lledó International School has Computer Science subjects in Preschool and Primary school. This is an innovative method whereby our pupils learn coding and discover how to create software and applications that we use daily. This makes it possible for pupils to take advantage of the learning possibilities of coding, which opens their minds to new solutions and opens up a range of future career possibilities. Furthermore, they take part in activities such as «The Hour of Code», an international collaborative event which is sponsored by the world's top companies in the field of technology.
Creative Technology
Creativity is one of the values that make our educational project stand out from the rest, this is why we offer a variety of subjects which technology is an essential part of in order to develop that creativity. For example, in the Secondary Technology students work with a 3D printer as a learning and creative tool: they learn how to carry out projects from the early design stages to the printing and assembling stages. This allows students to get a real knowledge and feeling for novel solutions and digital tools that are in high demand on the labour market.
From Preschool onwards, the pupils use the school's tablets with programmes that have been adapted to their needs. These platforms make it possible to work on values, cognitive capacities and multiple intelligences all while enjoying and in a play-like environment called Gamification that provides personalised information regarding each student's development to both teachers and parents. This boosts their learning of English, serves as a natural source of motivation and personalises the digital content to suit the students' capabilities and performance making it possible to analyse their capacities, weaknesses and strengths in real-time. Thus, we use technology applied to teaching to personalise and improve the little ones' learning process.
From the age of 6, the students start to work with robotics material called «Dash & Dot», which is ideal for providing across-the-board curricular content, working on projects and helping the students to Learn by Doing. This material has been designed to boost fundamental abilities such as creative problem-solving, computational thinking, organisational abilities and decision making. Furthermore, 4th ESO and Baccalaureate students have the chance to be part of the Robotics group where, through the use of Lego Mindstorms Education EV3 educational material, they can build, programme and try out solutions for the real world.